
With steady easing of border measures, Taiwan to end quarantine and adopt 7-day self-initiated epidemic prevention policy for arrivals on October 13 More Details

Effective September 12, Taiwan to reinstate visa-exempt entry for nationals of US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Europe, and diplomatic allies. More Info

"3+4" quarantine policy for arriving from Sept. 29~Oct. 12

  • Border Quarantine: The day of arrival counts as Day 0. All travelers are required to undergo a 3-day home quarantine and 4-day self-initiated epidemic prevention following the end of quarantine. All travelers are required to arrange their location of quarantine prior to arrival and follow other regulations and instructions by Taiwan Centers of Disease Control. Instructions for passengers before arriving in Taiwan and clearance at the airport 

  • Quarantine System for Entry: Travelers should fill in their information within 48 hours before arriving in Taiwan, use their mobile phone to log in the Quarantine System for Entry and to fill out the health declaration form prior to their departure. (https://hdhq.mohw.gov.tw/) Show confirmation message to quarantine staff. The confirmation message is required for entering Taiwan.

  • Search for Taipei city quarantine hotel

  • The aforementioned entry restrictions are subject to change depending on the development of the COVID-19 outbreak. Changes will be announced by the CECC. Latest regulations can be found at: https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-220-5081-c06dc-2.html

Visa-Exempt Entry

Foreign nationals eligible for visa-exempt entry

  1. Nationals of the following countries are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 90 days: Andorra, Australia* (effective till December 31, 2021), Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Eswatini*, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras*, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan*, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Marshall Island*, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, North Macedonia*(effective till March 31, 2025), Norway, Palau, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tuvalu*, the United Kingdom, the United States of America*,and Vatican City State.
  2. Nationals of the following countries are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 30 days: Belize*, Dominican Republic, Malaysia, Nauru, St. Kitts and Nevis*, Saint Lucia*, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Singapore.
  3. Nationals of the kingdom of Thailand (effective till July 31, 2022) ,except those holding diplomatic or official/service passports-are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 14 days.
  4. Nationals of Brunei (effective till July 31, 2022) ,except those holding diplomatic or official/ service passports-are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 14 days. In addition, those holding a Brunei Certificate of Identity are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 14 days.
  5. Nationals of Philippines (effective till July 31, 2022), except those holding diplomatic or official/service passports, are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 14 days.
  6. Nationals of Russia (effective till July 31, 2022), except those holding diplomatic or official/service passports, are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 21 days.

Further information: click here

Landing Visas (Temporarily Suspended)

Countries eligible for Landing Visas

  1. Holders of Turkish passport with validity of more than six months.
  2. Holders of emergency or temporary passports with validity of more than six months for nationals of those countries(except for US) eligible for visa-exempt entry.

Further information: click here

Designated Countries Applying for Visitor Visas

Countries eligible for Landing Visas

Nationals from the following countries applying for visitor visas to the R.O.C. must fulfill the procedure of this section:

GambiaGhanaIndia (Identity Certificate)IraqNepal
Sri Lanka**Syria

* Nationals of Bhutan are eligible to apply for tourist visas. For nationals of Bhutan applying for business visas, the overseas missions of the R.O.C. will not request a Guarantee of Sponsorship from the applicant’s sponsor in Taiwan.

**Nationals of Sri Lanka are eligible to apply for tourist visas. For nationals of Sri Lanka applying for business visas, the overseas missions of the R.O.C. will not request a Guarantee of Sponsorship from the applicant’s sponsor in Taiwan.

Further information: click here

eVISA (Temporarily Suspended)


Foreign nationals who have been invited to attend international conferences are eligible for an eVisa. Such foreign nationals must obtain an Ecode from BioCAS 2022 prior to submitting an online application for an eVisa. Nationals of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are only eligible for an eVisa when participating in sporting events in Taiwan.

How to apply eVISA 

* If your eVISA application is denied, Congress registration fee can be refunded, but the eVisa application fee will not be refunded.

** You can only make an online payment by credit card (MasterCard/Visa/JCB). However, someone else may make the payment on your behalf. Please note that when the applicant and credit card holder making the payment are not the same person, the credit card holder should consent to making the payment and personally conduct the payment procedure.


eVISA Application Letter

Please send eVISA Application Letter to Secretariat before Sept. 10, 2022, click here to download.

  • Deadline of eVISA Application: Sept. 10, 2022
  • Application Fee: Administration Fee will be TWD 600, please pay here

BOCA eVISA Online Application System

After receving eCode from Secretariat, please visit BOCA eVISA Online Application System to fill out the application information and pay the eVISA fee TWD 1,600 by credit care


中國大陸入台簽證 (Temporarily Suspended)





三、辦理費用:NT$3,000 (含規費及代辦費),點我付款


  1. 申請書:請以電腦輸入,中文姓名及相關資料須以正(繁)體字填寫,英文姓名須與其護照或大陸居民往來臺灣通行證之英文姓名相同。
  2. 大陸地區核發效期六個月以上旅行證件,如護照(但不包含港澳通行證)
  3. 大陸地區居民身分證或足資證明其身分文件影本
  4. 最近一年內彩色白底照片,製成圖檔須裁切多餘空白處,臉部占整張圖檔約為三分之二面積,比照國民身分證規格,並與所持居民身分證、通行證能辨識為同一人。
  5. 工作單位在職證明:每人一份,需單位章並出具最近三個月內日期。
  6. 最高學歷證明:每人一份 (例如:教授資格證書,畢業證書或學生證)
  7. 個人簡歷: 每人書寫一份 (含曾任職務、具有何種相關專業造詣等)

  • 註一:申請人在國外地區或香港、澳門者,應另檢附國外地區再入境簽證、居留證、香港或澳門身分證影本。
  • 註二:同(隨)行者(限配偶及未成年子女),應檢附與申請人間經財團法人海峽交流基金會驗證之親屬關係證明文件。
  • 註三:大陸地區人民旅居香港、澳門或國外(大陸以外)地區者,由邀請單位代為線上申請,申請人(大陸地區人民)另檢附申請書(須登錄邀請單位線上申請之收件號)、大陸地區核發效期六個月以上旅行證件或足資證明之身分文件、僑居地身分證明及在職證明等文件向我駐外館處申請;申請人旅居國家無駐外館處者,僅由邀請單位代為線上申請即可。
  • 註四:駐外移民工作組據點


    1. 臺灣的申請流程:約1個月,大會秘書處收到資料,送交出境管理局進行審核,入台許可證核發後, 將以電子郵寄的方式遞交給申請人,申請人請自行彩色列印後持憑入境
    2. 大陸來台人員的申請流程:相關申請事宜以貴單位規定為主★請務必確認相關時程辦理來台事宜★
      • 先向貴單位的國際合作處諮詢來台相關申請流程
      • 收到入台許可証之前:務必先向貴單位申請來台手續
      • 收到入台許可証之後:將臺灣的入台許可証批件 (通知和影本、邀請信)向大陸國台辦辦理批件→拿入台許可証批件和國台辦批件到省公安機關辦理出入境手續

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